Doctors have a major duty of care to their patients. If they assess someone as being fit to do something and that person dies doing it, they are negligent. This recently published case is very disturbing and involves a doctor being sued for the wrongful death of a...
News and Press
Ham Handed Surgeon Causes Permanent Partial Paralysis Indicated New Hampshire Injury Lawyer
Medical malpractice cases often happen in the strangest ways. This case is no exception. “I have been involved with medical malpractice cases for over 30 years in my practice as a New Hampshire injury lawyer and I am constantly coming across cases that just make me...
Objective Car Insurance Companies are an Oxymoron
If you have ever dealt with an insurance company over a claim for personal injury damages, you will know what a major hassle it is. On the surface, you would think that a car insurance company would be objective and only worried about your best interests. After all,...
New Hampshire Personal Injury Lawyer Discusses Role of Property Owner in Car Wrecks
Now and then, car wrecks actually involve a property owner. Strange as that may seem, it has happened. “While this may sound strange, I’ve seen it happen where a property owner is responsible for road conditions near their place of business, particularly if there were...
New Hampshire Personal Injury Lawyer Discusses Hot Medical Malpractice Topic Avelox
Drugs heal. However, drugs may also cause serious adverse reactions that harm a patient. “If it isn’t one thing, it’s another,” said Charlie Donahue, a New Hampshire personal injury lawyer located in Keene. Donahue handles injury cases in New Hampshire and across the...
Wrong Site Surgery is Medical Malpractice At Its Worst
There is nothing like wrong site surgery to prompt a family to file a medical malpractice lawsuit. It is a surgeon’s responsibility to get it right the first time. There are a number of really shocking cases that I’ve heard about in my time as a New Hampshire personal...
Recalling A Defective Product Already In The Body Is A Problem
Once a defective medical product is implanted in the body, it is tough to get it out. If it needs to come out, there is more pain and expense. Just when you thought you had heard the last of product recalls for a while, along comes a medical product recall that...
Whiplash is Seldom Seen Cautions New Hampshire Personal Injury Attorney Charlie Donahue
Whiplash is far more serious than many think. Unfortunately, soft tissue injuries are problematic to prove. “I mention whiplash injuries a lot, because this is quite often a consequence of being involved in a car wreck. The head and neck are whipped backwards and...
Driver Safety Rests on Four Tires Says New Hampshire Personal Injury Attorney Donahue
If the tires on a car are not up to standard, the consequences may be dead on the road. “It’s not a stretch to say that vehicles are easily the most dangerous things on the road. In fact, a large number of people die in car and motorcycle wrecks every year. What one...
Speeding Kills And Bus Accidents Are No Exception To That Rule
Cars aren’t the only vehicles on the road that speed. Bus drivers in a hurry to get to the end of their trip often drive over the posted limit. This can’t be said often enough; “Speed kills.” It is a fact of life and we have seen it, heard about it and perhaps even...
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Atticus Finch was right:
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”