
Home 5 News and Press 5 Driver Safety Rests on Four Tires Says New Hampshire Personal Injury Attorney Donahue

Driver Safety Rests on Four Tires Says New Hampshire Personal Injury Attorney Donahue

If the tires on a car are not up to standard, the consequences may be dead on the road.

“It’s not a stretch to say that vehicles are easily the most dangerous things on the road. In fact, a large number of people die in car and motorcycle wrecks every year. What one thing do those accidents have in common? Tires. Since not much of the tire is in contact with the road at all times, it’s not much of a surprise to find out that about 25 percent of all motorcycle crashes happened because of brake or tire problems,” said Charlie Donahue, a New Hampshire personal injury lawyer located in Keene. Donahue handles injury cases in New Hampshire and across the United States.

For those who have been injured in a crash that happened as a result of damaged or even improperly maintained tires, there is usually a legal recourse to sue. When the decision is made to seek compensation for injuries, one of the first things a New Hampshire personal injury lawyer will do is sort out who the parties are in the suit.

There could be multiple parties responsible for tires and/or brakes. “For instance, if you were in a car crash and it was the result of failed tires or brakes, the negligent parties may include the mechanic, the brake manufacturer and the driver or the person who employed the driver. If a big rig was involved, the liable party may also be the trucking company,” Donahue said.

The upshot of having numerous parties involved in a lawsuit is that there tends to be a lot of finger pointing and blaming the other guy. Largely this is because the parties want the other guy’s insurance company to pay for the accident. Generally speaking, there may not only be multiple parties, but several liable parties.

“In the inevitable ensuing run around, it’s best to make sure you have discussed your case with a seasoned New Hampshire personal injury lawyer. It’s the only way you will get a fair shake when insurance companies are involved,” Donahue said.

Whether it’s tires, brakes or both that caused an accident, the chances are quite good that a plaintiff will be awarded a fair and equitable settlement by the courts. This is particularly true when dealing with braking systems. “Truck brakes are regulated by federal law and must have a certain amount of braking power. If the trucker has disabled the braking power for various reasons and there is an accident, this may become an intentional tort; something you need to talk to your lawyer about,” Donahue said.

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