Personal Injury

Home 5 Category: Personal Injury ( Page 6 )

What About Lawyer Awards?

Do NOT be overly impressed with a lawyer's membership in legal organizations or praise from fellow lawyers. The old-boy network is alive and well. If a lawyer is one of the gang, good things will be said and heaps of praise will come that lawyer's way. If the lawyer...

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When the Law Lies to Jurors!

As I prepare a case for jury trial, I am bothered by a deception the law plays on juries. In an injury case for money damages, the victim's lawyer is not allowed to tell jurors that the defendant has insurance coverage. To protect the insurance industry and its...

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Atticus Finch was right:
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”
