As I’ve blogged– or bragged– about on other threads, I’m a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum. Sound impressive? I guess it is.
Membership is reserved exclusively to personal injury lawyers who’ve received a settlement or verdict in the amount of a million dollars or more.
The Million Dollar Advocates Forum has asked me to advertise on its web site– for a fee of course. I’ve decided not to do so, in the hopes injury victims will find me in other ways. I don’t blame them for trying– it’s good publicity.
This is a good organization, but as I’ve stated in my website (, membership in any organization is only one factor, out of many, a client should consider before hiring a personal injury attorney.
By the way, it’s a lot tougher reaching the million dollar level in rural New Hampshire than it is in the big cities. Any good injury lawyer will tell you that.
It’s off to the next case……………. See you later!
Charlie Donahue
injury lawyer