These days lots of people have no health insurance. It is a fact of life. If you’ve been in an accident, carry no health insurance, and have been treated at a hospital, you are entitled to a ” self-pay” discount. This means that uninsured people are entitled to pay the same rate as someone with insurance. The health insurance companies and the hospitals have a negotiated price for certain treatments. It is less than full- freight, so to speak. This works out great for all parties involved. The discount could be as much as 50 per cent, more or less. New Hampshire law requires that people without medical insurance are not billed more than those with insurance. Of course in most personal injury cases the victim can not afford to pay the medical bills until the case is over. This can all get a little complicated and tricky, so it is important to hire an experienced injury lawyer to help you . But it is still a good idea to check those medical bills to see if you are being over-charged. The law requires the hospitals to give written notice to self- pay patients. By all means, let your lawyer know if you get harassed by any bill collector.
Injury victims check your medical bills
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