I know that many victims of automobile accidents want to believe the insurance company.
If the person on the phone sounds nice or says the obvious ( ” our insured caused the accident so we are taking responsibility”) there could be a tendency for any injury victim to think there is no need to rush off to an injury lawyer.
But there is.
Even the well-intentioned insurance claims adjuster looks at your case from a perspective that benefits the people paying his or her salary.
That is not in your best interest.
They are trained to save the insurance company money. This is done by denying, delaying or minimizing your injury claim.
If they come with a checkbook soon after a crash, do not sign a release and grab the quick buck. You could be penny wise and pound foolish. It might be tempting to put a few much needed dollars in your pocket now, but you could be throwing away your opportunity to obtain full and fair compensation with a little patience.
The insurance company answers to its stockholders.
Following the money lets you know it is always best to have someone in your corner.
At the very least you have nothing to lose by getting some free advice from an experienced injury lawyer before you make any decisions– and the sooner, the better.