
Home 5 Auto Accidents 5 Check your Uninsured Motorist insurance coverage today

Check your Uninsured Motorist insurance coverage today

It takes no great leap of faith to know that I am no fan of the insurance industry. I don’t like the way most of them do business. Progressive, or as I call it, “Regressive,” is at the bottom of the barrel. I’ve dealt with a few straight-shooters from that insurance company, but not many.

Most of the companies do a poor job of making sure their customers have adequate insurance coverage. I see it all the time, but it is usually too late to do something about it.

I ask all of you to make sure you have adequate UM coverage. This protects you when you or a loved one gets injured by someone who is uninsured– without any insurance, as well as those who are underinsured– having less coverage than you bought.

Why do I want you to buy more UM insurance coverage?

Well, it’s not to benefit the insurance company. And it’s not because they pay me on the side to help with sales, that’s for sure.

It’s because in New Hampshire a driver does not have to have any auto insurance. And, many drivers only carry a minimum policy of $25,000., which does not go very far these days, especially if someone has a serious injury.

UM coverage is your own. You can take action to protect yourself against the other guy, who is often-times at fault and without insurance, or with a puny policy. Isn’t that the way it goes? There are many irresponsible drivers out there. Don’t take any chances. You can, and should, protect yourself and your loved ones.

If you carry adequate UM insurance coverage, it can make all the difference in the world. Basically you will be guaranteed coverage up to the limits you buy.

These days it’s worse than ever. We have been in a serious recession for a few years, even though the government only recently came around to say so, and we are on the verge of a depression. I am concerned that many good, hard working folks will not be able to buy auto liability insurance coverage. Lots of people are out of work and unable to afford insurance.

Since it’s not mandatory in NH, and it shouldn’t be in a free country, many people will be forced to go without insurance coverage. Now’s the time to get the right coverage.

This is just some old- fashioned, in- your- face, straight-talk from an injury lawyer who has seen a lot of needless suffering.

If you have any questions, I’d be happy to give you free advice on this matter.

At Donahue law firm in Keene, N.H., we handle all sorts of personal injury cases, including wrongful death claims, serious auto accidents and medical malpractice cases against irresponsible and uncaring medical professionals (good,caring doctors should not be sued).

It costs nothing to talk with me, and I don’t get paid until you win.

Charlie Donahue, injury lawyer

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