Personal Injury Trial

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Donahue involved in big class action case with some of the country’s best

I’m looking forward to working with some close lawyer friends from Wisconsin and Louisiana on a big class action case. It involves consumer protection and seeks compensation for a rip-off. Like many such cases, the amount each consumer is ripped-off tends to be small,...

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At a tour of the Aquarium in Atlanta. Tour guide is a graduate of Georgia Tech - very pleasant and knowledgeable. 40 years ago I was a National Park Ranger giving tours. Never realized what good training it was for trial law. The tour guide is a teacher, a guide - as...

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Voir Dire

This legal expression means "to speak the truth". It's used when the lawyers question potential jurors before a trial starts; that is, conducting a voir dire. The point is to get a fair jury. I've always found it interesting that the traditional emphasis has been on...

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Atticus Finch was right:
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”
