People have their babies in hospitals because they’re supposedly a safe place. That isn’t always the case.
Most people prefer to have their baby in a hospital, simply because they feel safer being right there where there is medical care on hand; doctors to help if there is a problem. And in most instances, things go just fine due to the outstanding care our medical professionals offer. I have the utmost respect for those who work in this tough field but sometimes bad things happen, and we need to talk about those things when they do happen.
Sure, there may be lots of fancy, high-tech equipment around when you give birth, but the question is does everyone know how and when to use it? If they don’t, this isn’t something you want to find out about later and the hard way, and this isn’t something you want to find yourself talking to a New Hampshire personal injury lawyer about either.
There’s a whole team of people usually involved in the birth of a child; everyone from radiologists to pharmacists, surgeons to neo-natal nurses and anesthesiologists to obstetricians. They are on hand to give the new arrival the right kind of care. They should know what they are doing, as they’ve had years of intensive, exhaustive and comprehensive training to do their jobs.
Medical professionals are people though and people make mistakes. When that happens during the birth of your baby, the consequences may alter both of your lives forever. This is what is called medical negligence; negligence on the part of someone who should know better due to their training. If any one of the medical team drops the ball at delivery by not recognizing fetal distress, improperly using forceps to deliver, giving the wrong medication or not identifying the need for a C-section early enough, there may be drastic consequences. And if there are, this is the time to discuss your case with a New Hampshire personal injury lawyer.
It’s not just the personnel who are major factors in the birth of your child; it’s also the various equipment used to deliver the baby. Imaging tools and x-rays need to be used with low emissions for baby’s safety, all tools need to be sterilized and sanitized to prevent infections, and everyone that is supposed to be able to use the equipment needs to actually know how to use it properly. While this might sound like a big job to fill, it is the medical professional’s job to do just that – do their job properly, with due care and caution, with expertise and knowledge and do no harm to the mother or baby.
Needless to say, this area of the law is complex and if you find yourself faced with the possibility that your child was injured at birth due to negligence, then you will want to speak to a New Hampshire personal injury lawyer immediately. Don’t wait or you may run afoul of the Statute of Limitations.
Charlie Donahue is a New Hampshire personal injury lawyer located in Keene. Donahue handles injury cases in New Hampshire and across the United States. To learn more about New Hampshire injury attorney, Charlie Donahue, visit