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Back from Spence Trial Lawyers College

I was one of only 50 lawyers selected to attend the Gerry Spence Trial Lawyers College in September.
I’m happy to say I met a number of terrific people– trial lawyers from around the country.
I was one of the older guys. At 54 most of the lawyers were in their thirties or forties. All of them were excellent, and some of them are among this country’s greatest trial lawyers.
Of course meeting, spending time with and working with Gerry Spence, now 84, was extremely special. He might be the best trial lawyer in our history, and is still very sharp.
It was hard work and extremely exhausting.
It was all hands- on, creative, spontaneous working with juries– almost every day for a month.
I am sure I have become a much better advocate.
I have made incredible connections, and plan to fly to other parts of the country to help friends with their cases.
They will help me too.
It is a blood brother and sisterhood of lawyers who care about each other, in fact, love each other and the cause of justice for ordinary citizens.
Prosecutors, insurance defense lawyers, and corporate lawyers are never admitted to the program, which is exclusively for those of us– injury lawyers, criminal defense lawyers– lawyers for the people.
There are only about 1500 lawyers who have graduated from this very select and highly acclaimed program, and it is with great pride that I tell the world I am a ” Warrior for Justice.”
I’ll be blogging more about this later.
Merry Christmas 2012 & Happy Holidays to you and your families .
Keep your strength,
Ps…… As impressed as I was with the enormous talent of my classmates, I was even more impressed with them as individuals. There were no egos and there were no war stories of lawyers trying to one- up the others. This is a different breed.
I miss every single one of my classmates and all the staff members, but we are connected forever, and that is not only a huge professional advantage, it is a real blessing!
After all, when the dust settles and time merges into eternity, who wants to be known as a lawyer who did not care, and made no difference in the lives of his family, friends, and clients.
It is about who we are as people— and the juries understand that too!

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