I’m not talking about the perverts who peek into peoples’ windows hoping to get a cheap thrill.
I’m talking about insurance adjusters and defense lawyers engaging in another form of tom-foolery, but a dangerous one at that.
Your Facebook page, Twitter and other forms of social media.
You got it: the enemy is checking out everything you say and post.
This is a big change in the injury law business with the modern technology.
And, it is fair game.
They love to see pictures of very happy looking injury victims when they claim depression as a result of a car crash.
They hit pay-dirt when they find pictures or videos showing an injury victim active and with a full social life, especially if the victim is alleging disability.
Here’s the bottom line: Be honest & realize that everything you say, do or post will be used against you, and in a way to diminish your monetary recovery.
I’ve seen it happen, and to be honest, it caused me to question my client’s credibilty too. It was on a case where my client– several years ago— was claiming severe brain damage due to a head injury. She insisted she could not get out of bed, and that she was so dizzy, she could hardly stand without falling over.
Heartbreaking until you saw a beautiful picture of her at the Grand Canyon standing at the edge of what must have been a million mile drop-off.
She had incredible balance and nerve.
She looked like one of the Great Wallendas ( exceptional & famous trapeze artists of years ago).
I ended up dropping the client because that’s not the way I do business.
That’s rare, but it makes the point.
I wish it were as easy as being honest, but the trouble is that it is possible for the insurance company or defense lawyer to misinterpret or exaggerate what was said, shown or done.
The injury victim might very well have been truthfully relating something, but it was twisted against him or her.
This creates a problem.
Given the fact social media is an integral part of our lives there is probably nothing we can do to avoid the risks.
At the very least, give every post a lot of thought, and remember you might live to regret it.
Be vigilant and use your common sense.
Keep your strength,
Charlie Donahue
injury lawyer